Search The World From The Comfort of Home
Your journey to luxury travel starts when you make the decision to work with GetAway Travel Group, LLC. We help you explore where and how you want to travel next. Planning, dreaming, and exploring about your luxury vacation is all part of the journey and that is where we can help.
Let us help you find your next destination from the comfort of your own home. At the click of a button, our travel experts will help you discover and create your next travel experience, completely crafted for you. This bespoke experience starts with a complimentary consultation.
Rather you want to travel now or later, we will make sure the world is ready and so are you.
Why Wait? Plan with us now.
Our team is here for you, so let's plan together.
Scheduling a video appointment is easy as 1,2,3:
1. Fill the form, it takes just 2 minutes
2. We will get in touch to let you know the date and time of your appointment
3. On the scheduled date and time, just click the link we sent to you and you will be joined by one of our Travel Experts
Tips for making your appointment go smoothly:
Complete the additional information questionnaire ahead of your appointment so our agents can provide you with the best experience
Make sure you have a stable internet connection and minimal background noise
Make yourself a cup of tea, or better yet pour yourself a glass of wine, and get ready to dream